Josh McGuckin joins FCR
We are extremely happy to announce that our friend, Josh McGuckin will be joining us for our Pikes Peak International Hill Climb adventures next week. The new hill climb date caused a scheduling conflict with Brendan Wiggins, so we had to reach out and find someone to fill the spot on such short notice. Needless to say, Josh stepped up to the plate and will be co-driving with Valentin at this years PPIHC!
Josh is truly a jack of all trades, and thus is a perfect addition to the Fingers Crossed Racing Team. His most recent endeavor is the Class 11 VW Beetle, best know as Project Baja ( This project follows the adventure of Josh and his team, as they gear up for the Baja 1000 this fall.
This may be McGuckin’s first time racing up the mountain, but he has been a part of the event since 2002 and is no newcomer to the peak. Josh has been a great contributor to the collection of photographs and amazing videos produced on the mountain, and thus he knows the road well after driving it hundreds of times to find the perfect photo location. It will be invaluable to have his mechanical experience on the team during the hectic schedule of peak week as well. Josh has been helping drivers like David Kern with race car prep for PPIHC the past few years, and its very exciting to have him experience the race from inside one of the cars for the first time!
When josh isn’t taking photos, or rebuilding carbon fiber wings, or building Baja cars, McGuckin’s enjoys a nice weekend of ice racing. Him and a few others pioneered the Rally Stud race class on Georgetown Lake, and they are giving some of those high powered Jeeps a run for their money!
Looking back on things, Pikes Peak will not be the first time Valentin and Josh have driven together. As Steve Nelson’s photograph elaborately shows, both of them are ready to show their respect to the peak with everything they got!